Jar Manager

Our jar manager automatically downloads all available versions from Mojang, Bungeecord, Craftbukkit, Fabric, Forge, Purple, QuiltMC, Spigot, Spongevanilla and Waterfall so your customers can install them with a single click.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Jar Manager

Game Query

Our game query system allows you to see more details about your server, such as the number of players.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Game Query

Plugin Manager

The Plugin Manager automatically downloads all plugins from spigot so they can be installed with a single click.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Plugin Manager

Modpack Manager

Our modpack manager automatically downloads all modpacks from Curse for one-click installation.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Modpack Manager

Mod Manager

A generic mod manager that can be used for all games. Runs a bash script on install and uninstall, allowing for a very flexible configuration. Mods must be added manually by PineRiver, if you have any suggestions for mods, just contact us!
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Mod Manager

Health Monitor

Monitor that the servers are working properly and restart them automatically.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Health Monitor

Workshop Downloader

Our workshop downloader supports multiple games - allowing users to download workshop elements or even collections to the folder they are browsing in the file manager.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Workshop Downloader

Automatic FastDL

Automatically set up FastDL for Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2 or Garry's Mod.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Automatic FastDL

Crash logs

Easily access and share historical crash logs without leaving the game panel.
Intuitive Game Control Panel - PineRiver - Crash logs